Hello there, are you enjoying the beginning of spring?
The flowers and trees are budding and blooming. There are so many beautiful colors and lawns are ready to mow. The birds are coming out, do you feed the birds? Some eat a mix, sunflower seeds, thistle seed others like hummingbirds eat a mix you can buy or you can make your own get a hummingbird feeder, 1cup sugar mix with 4 cups of water stir until sugar is dissolved Store left over in refrigerator. Clean and change every other day. Orioles put grape jelly out to draw them. Other birds like it too. So do ants.
Time to get ready to mow your lawn. Make sure it’s all ready to go for the summer Check gas, change oil before the season starts. Tires and blades make sure blades are sharp. Check repair or replace air filter. Get ready to get ideas for flowers or gardening. Mother’s Day is coming soon. Flowers, plants or other things you know your Mom would enjoy. Remember Mom’s are people who love and take care of you. Pet Mom’s Stepmom’s, Friends. Anyone who you feel is or deserves to be called a Mom in your life. Also some of us have Mom’s no longer with us. So take flowers to them remember think of times you remember them. Fix a food from them they would have enjoyed. Do you need to buy potting soil? Do you plant seeds or plants?
Find things you or your family enjoy. Happy planting try to encourage your children to help you It may interest them to help especially when it time to pull weeds. Help them learn what is a plant verses a weed. Water it and if planting a large garden to bring in the produce it makes. To enjoy. Sometimes you can try something new. Or add to the grill and try a new way to prepare it.